
  • What is DBT?
    • Dialectical Behavior Therapy is an advanced Skills-Based training that allows individuals to restructure thoughts and feelings. We at Deer Creek Counseling have witnessed DBT be an extremely beneficial technique for individual of all ages. The group setting allows individuals to feel part of something bigger and to realize that we are not alone with the challenges we face. DBT group offers a support team as well as skills training that benefits all who are motivated to work towards bettering themselves.
    • Dialectic Behavior Therapy Training is designed in four modules, including:
      • Core Mindfulness Practices and Cultivating Wise Mind: This is a developing awareness of reality as it is, pushing away nothing, learning a non-judgmental stance, fully entering into the present moment.
      • Distress Tolerance: This is a set of skills to use when faced with personal distress. Practices include Distracting, Observing the Breath, Half Smile, and Basic Principles for Accepting Reality. In this module, you will develop a Tool Kit for Self Care and Acceptance.
      • Interpersonal Effectiveness: In this module you will learn skills to get what you want, to maintain and improve relationships, and to maintain your self-respect.
      • Emotion Regulation: This set of skills deals with understanding emotions, evaluating your emotional state, increasing positive emotions and decreasing vulnerability to negative emotions.
    • Created by Dr. Marsha Linehan, this therapy is originally designed to treat the pervasive Personality Disorder known as Borderline Personality Disorder. Proven highly effective as a treatment modality, DBT Skills can help people suffering from other mental and emotional problems, such as Anxiety Disorders, Depression and Bipolar Mood Disorder, Eating Disorders, and other self-destructive behavioral problems.
    • Kathy Higgins has completed Foundational training in DBT and has co-taught DBT Skills Training Groups at a local Community Mental Health Center. We teach and reinforce these skills in individual sessions with clients.
  • Adult DBT Skills Training Group
    • Adult DBT Skills is offered for adults age 18 and up. At this time individuals may learn DBT Skills with Kathy on a one-on-one basis.
      • Adult DBT Skills Training Group is structured as three six week modules and participants may join at the beginning of any module.
      • Please text or call Kathy Higgins for a Screening Intake appointment at 720-663-7702 or email [email protected].

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